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Numerai Model Upload

The NumeraiModelUpload class is designed for uploading trained models to Numerai for automated submissions. You can upload a single trained model or a complete sklearn pipeline, allowing seamless integration with various machine learning workflows. This class efficiently handles model serialization, validation, and uploading, making it adaptable for different types of models and workflows.

Warning: The NumeraiModelUpload class is designed to work with very specific requirements. For compatibility, make sure your environment matches the requirements listed in the official numerai-predict repository: numerai-predict/requirements.txt. Using different versions or additional packages may lead to issues during model upload and execution.

Why Use NumeraiModelUpload?

  • Automation: Automates the model submission process to Numerai, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Support for Sklearn Pipelines: Integrates seamlessly with sklearn pipelines and NumerBlox processors, allowing users to submit models with preprocessing, feature engineering, and stacking in a single workflow.
  • Error Handling: Offers robust error handling with retry logic, ensuring reliable uploads even in case of network or API errors.
  • Custom Predict Function: Supports custom prediction functions for advanced use cases, offering greater flexibility.


To use NumeraiModelUpload, instantiate it with a Key object containing your credentials and optional parameters for error handling.

from numerblox.misc import Key
from numerblox.submission import NumeraiModelUpload

key = Key(pub_id="your_public_id", secret_key="your_secret_key")

uploader = NumeraiModelUpload(


  • key: (Key) Key object containing valid credentials for Numerai Classic.
  • max_retries: (int, optional) Maximum number of retries for uploading models to Numerai. Defaults to 2.
  • sleep_time: (int, optional) Time in seconds to wait between retries. Defaults to 10.
  • fail_silently: (bool, optional) Whether to suppress errors and skip failed uploads without raising exceptions. Useful for batch processing. Defaults to False.
  • *args, **kwargs: Additional arguments passed to NumerAPI initialization.

Model Uploading

The primary method for uploading models is create_and_upload_model, which serializes the model using cloudpickle, saves it to a file, and uploads it to Numerai.

Example: Upload a Single Model

import pandas as pd
from some_ml_library import TrainedModel

# Assume you have a trained model named 'my_model'
my_model = TrainedModel()


Method: create_and_upload_model

Creates a model prediction function, serializes it, and uploads the model to Numerai.


  • model: (Any) The machine learning model object.
  • feature_cols: (Optional[List[str]]) List of feature column names for predictions. If None, all columns starting with "feature_" will be used.
  • model_name: (str) Numerai model name.
  • file_path: (str) Full path where the serialized model function will be saved.
  • data_version: (Optional[str]) Data version to use for model upload.
  • docker_image: (Optional[str]) Docker image to use for model upload.
  • custom_predict_func: (Optional[Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]]) Custom predict function. If provided, it should accept a DataFrame and return a DataFrame with a "prediction" column.


  • upload_id: Upload ID if successful, None otherwise.

Method: get_available_data_versions

Retrieve available data versions for model uploads.


available_data_versions = uploader.get_available_data_versions()

Method: get_available_docker_images

Retrieve available Docker images for model uploads.


available_docker_images = uploader.get_available_docker_images()

Method: _get_model_id

Private method to get the model ID needed for model uploading.


  • model_name: (str) The name of the model registered in Numerai.


  • model_id: (str) Corresponding model ID for the given model name.

Method: get_model_mapping

Property that returns a mapping between raw model names and their corresponding model IDs.


model_mapping = uploader.get_model_mapping

Example: Upload an Ensemble Model with Sklearn Pipeline

To upload an ensemble model with multiple layers using an sklearn pipeline:

from sklearn.ensemble import StackingRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

# Create base models
base_models = [
    ('rf', RandomForestRegressor()),
    ('ridge', RidgeCV())

# Create stacking ensemble model
stacking_model = StackingRegressor(estimators=base_models, final_estimator=RandomForestRegressor())



Ensure that the credentials and model names used in the above examples match those configured in your Numerai account.