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Numerai Classic

NumeraiClassicDownloader simplifies downloading of datasets from Numerai's API. It allows you to easily download data with a few lines and the data is automatically organized in directories.

NOTE: Only int8 versions are available in this downloader. From v4.2 onwards, Numerai only provides int8 versions of the data.

from import NumeraiClassicDownloader

dl = NumeraiClassicDownloader(directory_path="my_numerai_data_folder")

# Training and validation data
dl.download_training_data("train_val", version="4.3")

# Live data 
dl.download_live_data("live", version="4.3")

Besides these common use cases you can also get feature sets and meta model predictions with NumeraiClassicDownloader.

from import NumeraiClassicDownloader

dl = NumeraiClassicDownloader(directory_path="my_numerai_data_folder")

# Get feature sets (v4.3)
features = dl.get_classic_features()

# Get meta model predictions
meta_model_preds = pd.read_parquet("my_numerai_data_folder/meta_model.parquet")

Numerai Signals

For Numerai Signals we have several options implemented to download data. Numerai Signals Downloaders have similar methods as NumeraiClassicDownloader.

Numerai Signals Dataset

Numerai provides a basic dataset for Numerai Signals. This is a good starting point for new users.

More information:

from import NumeraiSignalsDownloader

dl = NumeraiSignalsDownloader(directory_path="my_numerai_signals_folder")

# Download full dataset

# Live data

EOD Historical Data

Download data from EOD historical data. A common data vendor used for Numerai Signals.

More information:

Make sure you have the underlying Python package for EOD installed.

pip install eod

For EOD you also need to define credentials in the form of an API key.

More information:

from import EODDownloader

eod_api_key = "MY_EOD_API_KEY"
tickers = ["AAPL.US", "MSFT.US", "GOOG.US"]
dl = EODDownloader(directory_path="my_numerai_signals_folder",
key=eod_api_key, tickers=tickers)

# Download full dataset

# load data directly into DataFrame from January 1st 2024 for live.
live_data = dl.download_live_data(start="2024-01-01")


Some Numerai dataset are uploaded and maintained on Kaggle Datasets. NumerBlox offers a convenient API to download these datasets.

For authentication, make sure you have a directory called .kaggle in your home directory with therein a kaggle.json file. kaggle.json should have the following structure: {"username": USERNAME, "key": KAGGLE_API_KEY}

More info on authentication:

More info on the Kaggle Python API:

Also make sure you have the kaggle Python package installed.

pip install kaggle

Below is a quickstart example using Katsu's starter dataset.

from import KaggleDownloader

kd = KaggleDownloader(directory_path="my_numerai_signals_folder")

# A good example of Numerai Signals data on Kaggle Datasets is Katsu1110's yfinance price dataset.

Rolling your own downloader

We invite users to build out their own downloaders for Numerai Signals. The only requirements are that you inherit from and implement the download_training_data and download_live_data methods. Below you will find a template for this.

If you have a downloader that you would like to share with the community, please open a Pull Request in NumerBlox.

class AwesomeCustomDownloader(BaseDownloader):
    Download awesome financial data for Numerai Signals from who knows where.

    :param directory_path: Base folder to download files to.
    def __init__(self, directory_path: str):

    def download_live_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ (minimal) weekly live downloading here. """

    def download_training_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Training + validation dataset downloading here. """