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NumerBlox offers components that help with developing strong Numerai models and inference pipelines. From downloading data to submitting predictions, NumerBlox has you covered.

All components can be used standalone and all processors are fully compatible to use within scikit-learn pipelines.

1. Installation

Install numerblox from PyPi by running:

pip install numerblox

Alternatively you can clone this repository and install it in development mode by installing using poetry:

git clone
pip install poetry
cd numerblox
poetry install

Installation without dev dependencies can be done by adding --only main to the poetry install line.

Test your installation using one of the education notebooks in examples. Good places to start are quickstart.ipynb and numerframe_tutorial.ipynb. Run it in your Notebook environment to quickly test if your installation has succeeded. The documentation contains examples and explanations for each component of NumerBlox.

2. Core functionality

NumerBlox has the following features for both Numerai Classic and Signals:

Data Download: Automated retrieval of Numerai datasets.

NumerFrame: A custom Pandas DataFrame for easier Numerai data manipulation.

Preprocessors: Customizable techniques for data preprocessing.

Target Engineering: Tools for creating new target variables.

Postprocessors: Ensembling, neutralization, and penalization.

MetaPipeline: An era-aware pipeline extension of scikit-learn's Pipeline. Specifically designed to integrate with era-specific Postprocessors such as neutralization and ensembling. Can be optionally bypassed for custom implementations.

MetaEstimators: Era-aware estimators that extend scikit-learn's functionality. Includes features like CrossValEstimator which allow for era-specific, multiple-folds fitting seamlessly integrated into the pipeline.

Evaluation: Comprehensive metrics aligned with Numerai's evaluation criteria.

Submitters: Facilitates secure and easy submission of predictions.

Example notebooks for each of these components can be found in the examples directory.

3. Examples

Below we will illustrate some common use cases in NumerBlox. To learn more in-depth about the features of this library, check out notebooks in examples.

3.1. Downloading Numerai Classic Data

NumeraiClassicDownloader allows you to download just the data you need with a few lines of code and handles the directory structure for you. All data from v4+ is supported. For Numerai Signals we provide downloaders from several sources for which you can find more information in the Downloaders section.

import pandas as pd
from import NumeraiClassicDownloader

downloader = NumeraiClassicDownloader("data")
# Training and validation data
downloader.download_training_data("train_val", version="4.3")
# Live data
downloader.download_live_data("current_round", version="4.3")
df = pd.read_parquet(file_path="data/current_round/live.parquet")

3.2. Core NumerFrame features

NumerFrame is powerful data structure which simplifies working with Numerai data. Below are a few examples of how you can leverage NumerFrame for your Numerai workflow. Under the hood NumerFrame is a Pandas DataFrame so you still have access to all Pandas functionality when using NumerFrame.

NumerFrame usage is completely optional. Other NumerBlox components do not depend on it, though they are compatible with it.

from numerblox.numerframe import create_numerframe

df = create_numerframe(file_path="data/current_round/live.parquet")
# Get data for features, targets and predictions
features = df.get_feature_data
targets = df.get_target_data
predictions = df.get_prediction_data

# Get specific data groups
fncv3_features = df.get_fncv3_features
group_features = df.get_group_features(group='rain')

# Fetch columns by pattern. For example all 20 day targets.
pattern_data = df.get_pattern_data(pattern='_20')
# Or for example Jerome targets.
jerome_targets = df.get_pattern_data(pattern='_jerome_')

# Split into feature and target pairs. Will get single target by default.
X, y = df.get_feature_target_pair()
# Optionally get all targets
X, y = df.get_feature_target_pair(multi_target=True)

# Fetch data for specified eras
X, y = df.get_era_batch(eras=['0001', '0002'])

# Since every operation returns a NumerFrame they can be chained.
# An example chained operation is getting features and targets for the last 2 eras.
X, y = df.get_last_eras(2).get_feature_target_pair()

3.3. Advanced Numerai models

All core processors in numerblox are compatible with scikit-learn and therefore also scikit-learn extension libraries like scikit-lego, umap and scikit-llm.

The example below illustrates its seamless integration with scikit-learn. Aside from core scikit-learn processors we use ColumnSelector from the scikit-lego extension library.

For more examples check out the notebooks in the examples directory and the End-To-End Examples section.

import pandas as pd
from xgboost import XGBRegressor
from sklearn.pipeline import make_union
from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit
from sklego.preprocessing import ColumnSelector

from numerblox.meta import CrossValEstimator
from numerblox.preprocessing import GroupStatsPreProcessor
from numerblox.numerframe import create_numerframe

# Easy data parsing with NumerFrame
df = create_numerframe(file_path="data/train_val/train_int8.parquet")
val_df = create_numerframe(file_path="data/train_val/validation_int8.parquet")

X, y = df.get_feature_target_pair()
train_eras = df.get_era_data

val_X, val_y = val_df.get_feature_target_pair()
val_eras = val_df.get_era_data

fncv3_cols = nf.get_fncv3_features.columns.tolist()

# Sunshine/Rain group statistics and FNCv3 features as model input
gpp = GroupStatsPreProcessor(groups=['sunshine', 'rain'])
fncv3_selector = ColumnSelector(fncv3_cols)
preproc_pipe = make_union(gpp, fncv3_selector)

# 5 fold cross validation with XGBoost as model
model = CrossValEstimator(XGBRegressor(), cv=TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=5))
# Ensemble 5 folds with weighted average
ensembler = NumeraiEnsemble(donate_weighted=True)

full_pipe = make_pipeline(preproc_pipe, model, ensembler), y, era_series=train_eras)

val_preds = full_pipe.predict(val_X, era_series=val_eras)

3.4. Evaluation

NumeraiClassicEvaluator and NumeraiSignalsEvaluator take care of computing all evaluation metrics for you. Below is a quick example of using it for Numerai Classic. For more information on advanced usage and which metrics are computed check the Evaluators section.

from numerblox.evaluation import NumeraiClassicEvaluator

# Validation DataFrame to compute metrics on
val_df = ...

evaluator = NumeraiClassicEvaluator()
metrics = evaluator.full_evaluation(val_df, 

3.5. Submission

Submission for both Numerai Class and Signals can be done with a few lines of code. Here we illustrate an example for Numerai Classic. Check out the Submitters section in the documentation for more information.

from numerblox.misc import Key
from numerblox.submission import NumeraiClassicSubmitter


# Your predictions on the live data
predictions = ...

# Fill in you public and secret key for Numerai
key = Key(pub_id=NUMERAI_PUBLIC_ID, secret_key=NUMERAI_SECRET_KEY)
submitter = NumeraiClassicSubmitter(directory_path="sub_current_round", key=key)
# full_submission checks contents, saves as csv and submits.
# (optional) Clean up directory after submission

4. Contributing

Be sure to read the How To Contribute section for detailed instructions on contributing.

If you have questions or want to discuss new ideas for NumerBlox, please create a Github issue first.

5. Crediting sources

Some of the components in this library may be based on forum posts, notebooks or ideas made public by the Numerai community. We have done our best to ask all parties who posted a specific piece of code for their permission and credit their work in docstrings and documentation. If your code is public and used in this library without credits, please let us know, so we can add a link to your article/code. We want to always give credit where credit is due.

If you are contributing to NumerBlox and are using ideas posted earlier by someone else, make sure to credit them by posting a link to their article/code in docstrings and documentation.